To fulfill our mission we are building a global coalition of democracy researchers and developers who are eager to lead the democracy innovation ecosystems of their respective countries.
What we do
Our approach

Innovation ecosystems
Every respectable country has a “business innovation ecosystem” mapped, developed and financed. We believe that democracy should be at least as important as the economy and therefore also take a systems perspective to enabling development of democratic institutions. We try to make researchers, think thanks, nonprofits, media etc to work in unison to enable innovation in democracy.
A coalition of democracies
We believe that in today’s decline of democracy around the world, it is most important to make sure that the democracies we already have, remain democracies. For that purpose we invite all those who want to work on their own countries democracy development ecosystem to join our international coalition to learn from each other and collaborate.

Academic connections
We also believe that good democracy development must be based on the highest level of philosophy and science. Therefore we bring into our network researchers and universities who are interested to connect and collaborate with practicioners.

Meet the people
We are a group of mission-driven people who want to help make societal changes happen.
We think deeply about democracy innovation and design programmes and projects that aim to have lasting impact on our democratic institutions.
Contact us
If you want to work on enabling democracy innovation around the world with us, let’s talk and find a good way to collaborate!
Latest news
About our projects, events and partners.