Projects & donors
This is where you’ll find other programs and projects the Foundation is or has been a part of. And the people and organisations who have funded or supported our activities
Current projects
Past projects
The foundation Terve Eesti (TESA, Healthy Estonia) together with four Estonian bigger youth organisations (among them our DD Academy) and the family training society Sina-Mina organises an anti-alcohol campaign in order to reduce risk behaviour, to improve national health and to promote healthy life styles.
The aim of the the project „Improvment of the communication skill of Domus Dorpatensis” is to ensure more structured communication activities in the foundation.
During the project, the participatory democracy of young people is developed. The project is in cooperation of three European cities: Tartu, Stuttgart, Istanbul.
In cooperation of Domus Dorpatensis, EMSL and ENTRUM a Coalition for Citizenship Education is created. Its activities are defining, mapping and developing civic education.

The Baltic-German cultural and educational organisation Deutschbaltische Studienstiftung brings young people from the Baltic states, Germany and Russia to its seminars. The seminars focus on current topics which are at the same time connected to questions of the Baltic-German heritage. The seminars take place in turn in Estonia, Latvia and Germany. The Estonian partner in this program is Domus Dorpatensis. With the help of volunteers who have an interest in German language and culture, Domus Dorpatensis organises one of these seminars a year.
Donors and sponsors
We are forever grateful to all our private sponsors and public supporters.
- Professor Alexander von Rücker
- The Union for Developing Baltic Architectural Mementos
- German-Estonian Union in Lüneburg and the City of Lüneburg
- The City of Tartu
- The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tallinn
- Mrs Tamara Drewing
- Mrs Maria Limberg
- Embassy of the United States of America
- The Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia
- Tartu County Government
- Open Estonia Foundation
- Council of Gambling Taxes
- Estonian National Agency for the EU YOUTH programme
- AS Estravel
- Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tallinn
- Mrs Gabriele von Mickwitz
- Environmental Investment Center EIC
- European Commission, EACEA
- National Foundation of Civil Society (KÜSK)
- Integration Foundation
- Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- Goethe-Institut Tallinn