Donors and sponsors
We are forever grateful to all our private sponsors and public supporters.
- Professor Alexander von Rücker
- The Union for Developing Baltic Architectural Mementos
- German-Estonian Union in Lüneburg and the City of Lüneburg
- The City of Tartu
- The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tallinn
- Mrs Tamara Drewing
- Mrs Maria Limberg
- Embassy of the United States of America
- The Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia
- Tartu County Government
- Open Estonia Foundation
- Council of Gambling Taxes
- Estonian National Agency for the EU YOUTH programme
- AS Estravel
- Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tallinn
- Mrs Gabriele von Mickwitz
- Environmental Investment Center EIC
- European Commission, EACEA
- National Foundation of Civil Society (KÜSK)
- Integration Foundation
- Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- Goethe-Institut Tallinn