DD Foundation


The Union of Tartu County Municipalities and the Tartu City Government in cooperation with Civitta and the DD Foundation invite all those interested in the circular economy of Tartu County on May 30 from 2 to 5 p.m. in Tartu Loodusmaja (Lille 10), where the first version of the circular economy road map of Tartu County will be introduced and how to supplement and implement the set plans.

The discussion will provide an overview of the first version of the circular economy road map and tell which areas the road map touches on, which goals will be set and which activities will be planned. You can hear inspiring examples of how different actors are already creating changes in Tartu County, and we will jointly discuss what each person can do to contribute to the transition to a circular economy.

The creation of the Tartumaa circular economy road map is a joint project of the Tartu City Government and the Union of Tartumaa Municipalities, which will be completed by the fall of 2024 in cooperation with eight Tartumaa municipalities and many interest groups. The main goal of the roadmap is to reduce waste generation and increase recycling.

According to Sven Tobreluts, CEO of the Association of Municipalities of Tartu County, the road map has been prepared by involving many interest groups, so that every good idea can be written down. “Tartumaa municipalities have aimed to be a direction indicator in the field of circular economy in the whole of Southern Estonia. When creating the roadmap for the circular economy, we look to the future together: new business models will be based on local material flows and activities that accompany sustainable economic models.”

The circular economy roadmap is aimed at the public sector, entrepreneurs, educational institutions, and more broadly at all social groups. The key areas of the roadmap are co-creation and communities, renewable energy and energy use, sustainable food system, agriculture and land use, industry and services, waste management and recycling.

At the discussion on May 30, all those interested can learn about the future visions and plans of Tartumaa in striving to become a leader in the circular economy and find their own ways to contribute to them.

The discussion will take place under the leadership of the DD Foundation, that is conducting a smaller process based on Transition methodology in parallel with the creation of the roadmap. With the support of the Interreg “We Make Transition” project, the transition arena processes are taking place in parallel in 12 municipalities in the Baltic Sea region. “With this process, we are trying to enhance cooperation and accelerate Tartumaa’s transition to a circular economy simultaneously in different fields and sectors,” said Maiu Lauring, project manager of the DD Foundation.


The “We Make Transition” project is co-financed by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. Total project budget is EUR 3,3 million, out of which EU co-funding is EUR 2,5 million. This project is carried out in cooperation with British Council in Estonia to support social cohesion as part of the People to People Cultural Engagement Programme. Find more info about British Council’s work in Estonia at britishcouncil.ee